澳學者:澳大利亞應堅持獨立自主外交 與中國更好地相處丨世界觀

發(fā)布時間:2024年03月29日 15:19     來源:中國新聞網

  近日,澳大利亞學者、中國人民大學教授薄國強(Roland Boer)在接受中新網專訪時表示,近期,澳中兩國高層交往釋放出積極信號,澳中關系正在重回正軌。他認為,澳大利亞應堅持獨立自主的對外政策,與其鄰國以及東南亞和東亞的鄰近國家更好地相處,尤其是與中國的相處最為重要。(甘甜 趙麗)

  High-level exchanges between Australia and China signal a positive turn in the bilateral relationship, said Roland Boer, an Australian scholar and professor at Renmin University of China, in an exclusive interview with China News Network recently.

  He pointed out that Australia needs to develop an independent foreign policy, which means getting on better with neighbors and counterparts in Southeast Asia and East Asia, especially with China. (Gan Tian and Zhao Li)


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